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About us

“Lovesowe” is an online store in The Hague where you will find mainly layette products from Polish producers.
In addition, articles for babies from Canada and Australia will be available.
We would like to make it easier for parents to complete the layette for newborns.
In our store you will find products for babyshower, birthday, baptism etc.

“Lovesowe” is also a place where toys for toddlers and older children will be available.
Choosing the right baby toys is often a big challenge.
To make the task easier for parents, relatives or friends, we decided to make sure that our store contains only valuable, educational and interactive toys for babies, but also for older children.


Phone number: +31 615362232
Mail address: info@lovesowe.com

Order pickup address:
Coevordenstraat 376
2541SV Den Haag

KVK: 68642423
VAT: NL782167408801